This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2014

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Against SB 1070: End the Fascism and Bigotry

...just saying...this ordeal we have going on in Arizona just stinks. I am not for illegal immigration. I do not condone the actions of anyone whether American or not to break laws and/or to partake of certain privileges if they have not paid into them somehow. But I am also not for the mistreatment of my fellow human beings and especially not of my Hispanic/Latino brothers or sisters when they are seeking a better life and hurting no one. Where does tolerance end thus allowing racism to just completely take over one's life then make us so bitter that we completely throw out compassion?!! (rhetorical). I work hard and have done so since I was 16 (I am 43). So for over 27 years, I have struggled to provide a better future for my loved ones because I firmly believe that each generation should better their own lives in order for the next one to go farther in all aspects of life. I do not believe in giving anyone a free ride; everyone should work hard for what they have as all my ancestors have done, and I could not have had better role models in that regard with my own parents and my older siblings, etc. I do believe that anyone who truly wants to succeed in this country and to live a good life should be given a chance. It should no longer be okay to only provide this opportunity for certain peoples around the world because of immunity/amnesty laws. I do agree with those exceptions, do not get me wrong. But those laws are so limiting; though they do understandably exist to allow certain people to escape certain persecution from certain countries to come over here, they continue to wrongfully exclude our neighbors to the south. Last time I checked, Mexico still sucked as a country for anyone to have to live in even if we (the United States) have no on-going embargos or such imposed upon them (Mexico). A litmus test should have long been set up to weed out the bad and to allow those with good intentions to remain in the USA as legalized citizens. I do not live in AZ and do not know the threats that certain citizens of that state have been through and why they want to kick out the so-called illegals, but living in Texas gives me a big idea. Studies do mostly show that illegals do not commit the majority of the crimes because they wish to remain hidden. Most of the crime in AZ comes from, well - from Arizonians. The lazy people there are most likely the Arizonians themselves who prefer life on the "dole" rather than working hard especially if it is a laborious job. Then to add salt to the wound, these very lackadaisical people have the audacity to blame the "Mexicans" for taking their jobs - you know, the jobs they would never take in a million years!!! As a citizen of this great country and being able to trace my American lineage by more than five generations, I reiterate that I am not for illegal immigration but when ignorant politicians come up with laws and strategies that are going to undermine the current Constitutional rights of law-abiding, American citizens like me, then I do tend to get a lot pissed off. In the near future, if I travel to AZ for vacation or to trace my roots (my father was born in AZ), I may be subject to racial profiling because of my skin color. That is utterly ridiculous. To my dear friends on the right (and the left) who agree with SB 1070, YOU GOT IT WRONG!!! Shame on YOU!!!
If you are not of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity, you may not understand how SB1070 negatively makes someone like me feel so I give you a "free pass" for now because I am tolerant and compassionate of others. But trust me, the mere thought of racial profiling sickens me; that is un-American!!!! There has to be a better solution.
However, if you ARE of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity and feel somehow that you cannot see anything wrong with SB1070, you really should re-think your own self-esteem, worth and pride. If you are okay with racial profiling and are going to allow your rights to be impeded, that's your right to do so but you are in the minority (pardon the pun) I assure you. For sure you should stop playing sycophant to others especially if they happen to not share your same ethnic background and only see things in black and white. Hispanics/Latinos in favor of SB 1070, stop hating and start celebrating (your culture - that is - for it is truly awesome).
I am 100% in support of always protecting our rights as American citizens as so stated in our Constitution even when it places me in the "unpopular column”. With that said, it is time for Prez Obama and company on the Fed level to stop ignoring Immigration Reform so that individual states
(i.e AZ maybe soon even TX) stop acting like fascist ones. So that states with so-called "good intentions" but with no real respect for ALL of their citizenry refrain from completely stomping on the rights of American citizens of one color/race for the betterment of some who are too bigoted to see the error in their ways. We will not go back to America pre-1964...SB1070 needs to go.