This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2014

Friday, June 10, 2011

Stop "lampooning" Sarah Palin: She does okay doing it to herself!

(click on pic for larger, better view...enjoy - or not!)

...Yes, Paul sought out Brit head-qauters instead of Brit head-quarters
thus thankfully giving Americans the edge in our fight for independence!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

An Oscar Meyer "Weiner" Special: Anthony's saga continues...

(click on pic for larger, better view...enjoy - or not!)

SpongeBob gets kudos for trying to get Tony to keep his skivvies on,
not his fault Weiner did not listen.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 1st, 2011 another day 1 in May to remember: the last one being in 1945 "Hitler is dead"!

Way to go American troops world-wide: esp. Navy Seals i.c./w Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), Panetta (future Sec of Def), all those affiliated with yesterday's capture/death of Bin Laden.
America also showing after almost 18 years of seeking the mad-man known as Osama, that we are as diligent, steadfast, unwavering and patient as any group, anywhere who wishes ill will against us and our allies that we will seek justice no matter what!!!
Americans like Trump should be ashamed of speaking ill of President Obama when he (Obama) was one of the persons at the helm of yesterday's capture. Perhaps a hero, not sure I am ready to give such accolades to just one person yet, but Obama is more worthy of such a title than his nemesis whom is known more for 4 non-heroic things:
1) the stupid coiffe on his head
2) for filing for bankruptcy to avoid paying taxes
3) for the stupid t.v. show
4) for his ear-worm saying "you're fired"!
Really, Donald, that's the best you can do?!!
I am proud that our President did not settle for air strikes against the million dollar compound where the coward Bin Laden was hiding, but he agreed to and approved a die-hard ground attack, 'mano a mano', in order to not only get the evil man but to ensure his death. Perhaps we can refer to that as a commander's preemptive authority.
I dare make this prediction for it is my own personal but fearless prediction...I see re-election for the President in 2012 and the likes of Trump (a.k.a. "Tromp L'oeil" / "fool the eye")finally being dismissed for the ignorant, petty, un-presidential character/person he is. If our citizenry is truly intelligent and wants only the best for this awesome country, people like Trump and other belligerent people and groups will soon go away (fade away) and make way for those whom truly have our best interests at heart.
As I stated last night, this is a victory not just for our great nation, but for the world. Another evil man has been removed as was announced some 66 years ago when Hitler's cowardly suicide was also announced on another glorious day, a first day in May!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


To the so-called "party movements": Stop ruining our great country and making us all appear stupid and weak to the entire world!

(Note as written by me today on my wall):
Yes, the issue created by the 'birthers' bothers me and makes me an indignant American. It makes me question the intelligence level of some people or actually their real motive for believing such a thing and for continuing to fall for such idiocracies. What happened to the real issues we were supposed to focus on after last Nov. (2010) elections when the face of Congress (HoR and the Senate) was changed?!! Things have gotten worse and gone more awry.
As for the W.H. releasing President Obama's long form birth certificate, it was the president's decision to have it released to squelch rumors and unrest which stupidly clouds our great country right now. Instead of people worrying about the real issues plaguing the U.S., groups such as the 'birthers' decide that issues like this are important...REALLY, that's the best you people can do for our great country. What happened to the real problems in our country. Seriously, folks, is forcing shameful and silly issues like this going to bring us jobs, going to decrease unemployment, maybe it is going to stop the awful storms which have been slamming the mid-west for the past several days?!!!
"PLEASE!!!"...let's worry about real issues.
Kudos to the White House today, but shame on the party movements of late (and ppl like Trump who cowardly lead the way) as they continue to serve NO real purpose other than to continue to bring turmoil to our great country while continuing to incite hate and civil unrest with their polarizing, belligerent ideas. They don't care about our awesome country, they want to take control of the gov't and while they are at it, they -without shame and courage- are trying to take back a way of living pre-civil rights act of 1968 and pre-civil rights act of 1964!
Read between the lines as I write that - form your own opinion. I won't spew the awful words of racism in this particular forum perhaps taking a similar stance as the terrible party movements have as they go on denying such a thing leads their cause(s). At least I am able to admit that the issue of racism -and class wars- is still alive (and unfortunately doing too well) when I am directly asked. These so-called movements and groups still hide behind what could be considered 'white sheets' similar to the ones in "The Emperor's New Clothes"; I make the comparison merely to drive home the point that the clothing is similarly invisible, too - except Hans Christian Andersen did not write this fable, the party movements did.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I don't ♥ Apple: Apples rot!

Your iPhone is secretly tracking you!
A reminder why I am a snob against iPhone/iPod/iPad - most all things Apple.
I posted on my status the other day when I saw this story on Digi-life via the Today Show then again on CNN. I am not naive about all things electronic these days; I love and welcome technology and follow it to a tee as a matter of fact. I know the pro's and con's of it all. I read the George Orwell novel, 1984 (1949), back in the day when I was in high school and several times thereafter. I knew technology would one day become too advanced for our britches, per se, and that modern-day society might benefit from certain things, but that we would be in a dismal state as far as our privacy was concerned.
Apple is not the only company putting GPS (tracking) chips in its electronics. I am not such an anti-Apple snob that I do not recognize and admit such things; other companies are doing this without the public's knowledge and they get away with it. The reason why I publicly pick on (pardon the pun) and downgrade Apple is because they are usually the leaders in the electronic industry and of high-tech innovation and they make billions but never do they share their underlying logistical methods with us, the consumers. They sell their products to the public without warning that their products have these chips (GPS) embedded in them that tracks where we are at any time during the day. Let us, the consumer, decide if we want that feature or if we wish to opt out.
Under-handed schemes such as this by the likes of companies like Apple has given way for other companies (perhaps just as unethical) to engineer algorithms in order to come up with programs which coincides with the GPS chips that tracks our whereabouts into an app that is just as invasive and obtrusive as the chips themselves. Consumers can buy these apps which maps and details where he/she was all day long, at what time, precise location (longitude/latitude) and other data. Having access to this data is fine if the consumer wants to know these things, but it hinders on my rights when such data is then sold or shared with tele-marketing companies and such. That is where this consumer draws the line. Why is everything or anything I do via apps and such have to be shared with third-party companies and especially why is it done without my explicit approval. Let me decide.
If a consumer wishes to have access to their own data and is okay with it being done behind their back or not then is shared or sold down the line, that is his/her business. To me data like that is simply cumbersome plus much too private and really just my own damned business. But again if a consumer is that gullible, naive, inquisitive or just plain in need of such entertainment and wants to buy an app that traces your entire day's history and if you are okay with companies like Apple placing these chips in your electronics without letting you know they are there and without letting it be your choice...c'est la vie to that consumer, but heed the old adage, the warning: 'caveat emptor'! These companies do not have your best interest in mind, they simply want to sell your data to others in order to make more and more money.
I am not so sure I would even want to have these tracking systems on my child's cell phone; some say it is good in the event a child is kid-napped. If that is a necessity for a consumer, good luck to you. I realize children get lost, stolen all the time and that it happens to the most caring and doting them I say "take a chance". But at the end of the day, give consumers a heads up and let us decide.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011




Monday, March 7, 2011


Dear family and friends:
It is that time of the year again...the time when our family
group gathers to take part in this annual event not only to help keep Texas highways beautiful and clean, but to honor and to remember Philip!!!
We always have fun and we always welcome ALL participants!!!
The start time is always at 8:00 that we may finish up early and to take advantage of the cooler weather.

Most often this event is capped off with a get-together of food, goodies/desserts, and always with good conversation.
Note: more details on a possible post-event gathering later.

Friendly reminders to be sent as we near the clean-up via:
- Emails, Facebook, Twitter, texts and word of mouth -

So please mark your calendars...and help spread the word.
Saturday, April 2nd, 2011 @ 8:00 A.M.
THANKS and much LOVE to all from the