This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Obama: (Don't) Let Our People Go!

Under Pressure From Latino Groups,
Obama Agrees To Reevaluate Deportation Policy!
(click on pic for entire story)
 Enough already.
The mistreatment of people who are simply trying
to better their lives by being allowed in this country is an ongoing outrage.
Sure some undocumented people are most likely here in the U.S. for negative purpose.
However, studies conducted over and over have proven that most want a legitimate
life here in the USA; they just want a chance at a better life.
Bills like the abhorrent one (SB-1072) approved by one Gov Brewer -R (AZ) 
just incite hatred of these people by too many of our own citizens.
Nothing but vitriol and hatred spewed by too many to the 'right' and 'red'.
Way too many 'tea-party' cronies also spewing too much untrue propaganda!
Which now deflects my attention towards 'gun control'!
I am all for having guns...I just think that we need to demand more of our
government at a Fed level to come up with sound gun laws.
Am I showing a tad bit of naiveté?  Perhaps, but a person can hope!
If we leave gun laws to respective states, then we probably won't ever
have proper laws approved.  We need laws across this country to be the same.
Just like JFK had to intervene on a Fed level back in the 60s when
certain states were clearly not ready to approve anyone's civil rights!
TTL for Robert Kennedy who pressed his brother to do something.
Bobby's and MLK's dream came to fruition in 1968!
Anyway, back from a short tangent there...
*** Gun control ***
Former U.S. Rep Gabby Giffords -D (AZ)
found out the hard way of the kind of negativity that the GOP
and tea-party partake in these days to ruffle feathers.
Actions by these people which make extremists take matters into their own hands.
Guns always at the helm.  Toting them gunz!  C'mon, man!
Just as the 1/2 term Gov of Alaska (Palin -R) did her own
share to provoke her own (tea-sipping) followers by the 'cross-hairs' map
she once had on a website of hers denoting which politicians to the left needed to be shot.
Sure I paraphrase what the crazy-lady said, but you get the gist of her meaning.
  That woman is crazy-mad-foolish!
Palin quickly removed said map though following the Gifford's shooting.