This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2014

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Learn to speak English: 'Si cabron...just as soon as you lose your stupid twang'!

I am all for people learning to speak English. There is not much debate or discussion needed to prove why English is so important. Not just to reside in this country, but perhaps to be able to communicate in another country or continent where English seems to be the most popular language to learn and to have as a second or third language. English should be the primary language in the U.S. - I totally agree. BUT...
For beginners - let's take a closer look at southerners, especially the ones whose English is accompanied with a twang of any sort. It is not cute. It should not be normal or done to show off the part of the country from which you may have been born or grew up. You don't need to be proud of your twang, it is merely just an accent which you justify -unjustly- as a dialect. It is embarrassing to the rest of us who are trying hard to just speak proper English. No accents, no twangs. Just pure unadulterated
English. I don't want to struggle to understand you each time you spew out your "y'alls", "gettin ready to", "fixin to", "shoulda", "woulda", "Missourah", "Amarillah". It is bad enough when you use words like that one at a time, but when you mix it up and use them all in a phrase or in a sentence, it really hurts my ears. I am an American, 4 or 5 generations prior to me having been born and raised here, and I am proud of my English. I practice it every single day as I not only speak it, but as I write it in numerous blogs I have or via social networks. I try not to muck it up or to misuse it in any way. If you speak with one of those awful twangs and you find yourself having to repeat what you are saying...don't fool yourself, it is not the 'other guy' who does not hear you right, it is indeed your awful twang keeping you from being able to properly express yourself. You are not using your language skills properly. You are misusing the English language which you are demanding that people from other countries/continents use. Why don't you try speaking English first. Speak it properly, sound out the vowels as you should have been taught to do in grade school, get rid of any cutesy-mootsey twang and speak proper English before you start making any demands.
Lets not forget those dear American folk to the north of us whose English is marred by an accent probably impeded by our Canadian neighbors. Please feel free to stop any need to overuse the word "yah". Please refrain from over-stating any vowel sounds especially and mostly the letter 'A'. You also speak certain words that I might not understand if it were not for my ability (my common sense) to decipher the meaning of the word by the way you are using it in a sentence. It is not really English you are speaking, it falls more in a category that I have now dubbed, Englidian. English+Canadian=Englidian. Please lose the northern accent.

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