This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2014

Monday, November 1, 2010

Voting: Why Latinos/Hispanics/Chicanos should vote: Reason #5, SB1070!

Everything about this bill should be bothersome and worrisome to all of us who want true,
just Immigration Reform. If you are not familiar with the bill, click on the title above to read about it. I am totally against it. For one - immigration issues are federal issues. The issues are NOT for each state to decide how to deal with it. I am AGAINST SB 1070 because it is demeaning and takes the meaning of the word "human" out of human being. Letting such a cruel and crude bill exist and worse yet to be implemented, to me, is like letting each state go back post 1964/1968 to decide how or if they will allow or disallow persons of color their civil rights.
The Dream Act:
This act is one I am in favor of for various reasons. We cannot and should not punish children of undocumented workers/immigrants who did not obtain their residency or citizenship here in the U.S. as they should have. The children have been in the U.S. for most of their lives and know life only here in their beloved United States. Denying them a right to attend college so that they may obtain their residency or citizenship to better their lives is a terrible thing to do. Giving them a "hand up" by financially assisting them to obtain a college education is a good thing provided they agree, immediately upon graduation, to: 1) obtain their legal status 2) give back to their community. But never, ever should it be okay to send these students back to the country which they were born in but do not know. They know the U.S. The U.S. has been their home. Give them a chance to stay in their home. Let them serve in a branch of the armed forces or to sign up with a civil service program. Don't make them suffer for being in the U.S. illegally because of their parents. Allowing the Dream Act to be inspires people who would otherwise have no dreams the ability to have dreams, to set goals, to help better our country. As I gave an analogy above for being against SB 1070, let me give an analogy for being FOR the Dream Act: It would be very much like enacting Affirmative Action all over again for minorities in this country to have an equal opportunity to attend college. The rich people have their legacy programs, voila, minorities have affirmative action...let the children of undocumented workers have their dream act.

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