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Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2014

Thursday, January 26, 2012

So the Mexicans Are Taking All the Jobs: What About the Whites Taking All the Foodstamps!

Newt is calling President Obama the "food stamp president"...what audacity and stupidity. I am sooooooo tired of this cretin (Newt) calling the president by that moniker. Newt, what about TANF? The "welfare reform" in which you were the leader (1996) which made the food stamp program (now called SNAP) more vital and readily available. The fact that you made it easier to put more poor Americans on food stamps? Because TANF (welfare) is block-granted, it cannot increase when more people become eligible for it. As a result, SNAP became one of the easiest ways to provide needed benefits to struggling Americans. SNAP became part of the safety net and its role has been extremely important because TANF cash assistance has not been available to many unemployed low-income families.
George W. Bush actually put more people on food stamps than any President in American history. But it does not matter which president did what, the food stamp program has been very has increased economic activity, created jobs and kept millions of Americans out of poverty. The food stamp program was created to help Americans get a leg up in society. According to experts, without the “end of welfare as we know it,” nobody would likely have become a food stamp President. So when you, "Eye of Newt", spews out the term "food stamp president" just remember that you are responsible for it.
Furthermore, "Eye of Newt", why do you go around insinuating that anyone on the program is lazy and a minority. Why do you go around incorrectly and unjustly making SNAP a racial issue by implying that minorities are the ones mostly partaking in SNAP. Shame on you, "Eye of Newt"! It is common knowledge (or should be) that more white people are on food stamps than any other race. Keep up the work, Newtie, as you campaign (in vain perhaps) to get the Republican nomination, but remember the world, this country, the constituents and mostly the minorities are watching your every movement. "Eye of Newt", you may very well win the Rep nom, but come November...the Latino/Hispanic/Mexican voters in this great country are going to ensure you do not make President Obama a "one-term president"!

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